Hotel Santa Marta

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Hotel Santa Marta is famous for its strategic location in the popular and picturesque area flegrea, thanks to its proximity to the entrance to the Naples ring road is in close contact with leading cultural and commercial points of Naples.

Within minutes by car to reach important points like Solfatara, Anfiteatro Flavio,  Mostra D'Oltremare , Stadio San Paolo.

Who chose the stay for tourist destinations can enjoy thanks the proximity to the Regional Park of Campi Flegrei, the Solfatara and the numerous monumental buildings like the Roman Temple of Serapis el 'Anfiteatro Flavio (third in Italy after the Colosseum el 'Amphitheatre of Pompeii) that arise around

The 'smart modern hotel is composed by 3 floors of an elegant building, recently renovated, with a large and beautiful terrace overlooking the gulf from which you can admire breathtaking landscapes and unforgettable as the beautiful island of Capri at sunset .

Other amenities include a meeting room that can accommodate up to 200 people, making it the ideal place for business meetings and conferences.

Finally, to make the perfect stay, play an important role the renowned restaurant consists of three cozy rooms (two inside and a large veranda) where you can enjoy regional and national specialties,  and a ample free parking.

The Hotel Santa Marta, thanks to these facilities meets all the requirements, then white as the ideal place for job opportunities to celebrate important events or just enjoy some leisure time between visits to the place and a tasty dinner.
